Tuesday, 27 December 2016

C++ Programming DS Malik 5th Edition

Mohammad Tayyab

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Mohammad Tayyab
Skype : muhammadtayyab7862
Phone : +923029052739

Thursday, 22 December 2016

C++ Program to take log^n

Mohammad Tayyab
C++ program to take log^n
Code : 
using namespace std;
void main()
       int i, n, s = -1;
       float sum = 0;
       cout << "Enter The Value Of n : ";
       cin >> n;

       for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
              s = s * -1;
              sum += s*1.0 / i;
       cout << "Log Of 2 : " << sum;

       cout << "\n\n";


C++ Program to make a simple calculator having all basic functions (+,-,*, /, %,^,!)

Mohammad Tayyab
Statement : 
 C++ Program to make a simple calculator having all basic functions (+,-,*, /, %,^,!) 
Code : 
// C++ Program to make a simple calculator having all basic functions (+,-,*, /, %,^,!) 
using namespace std;
void main()
       cout << "\t\t\tCalculator\n\n";
       int a, b;
       char op;
       float res=1;
              cout << "Enter Operational operator (+,-,*, /, %,^,!) : ";
              cin >> op;
              if (op == '!')
                     cout << "Enter Number Of Which You Want To Take Factorial : ";
                     cin >> a;
                     while (a > 0)
                           res = res*a;
              else if (op == '-')
                     cout << "Enter First Number : ";
                     cin >> a;
                     cout << "Enter Second Number : ";
                     cin >> b;
                     if (a > b)
                           res = a - b;
                           res = b - a;
              else if (op == '/')
                     cout << "Enter First Number : ";
                     cin >> a;
                     cout << "Enter Second Number : ";
                     cin >> b;
                     res = a / b;
              else if (op == '*')
                     cout << "Enter First Number : ";
                     cin >> a;
                     cout << "Enter Second Number : ";
                     cin >> b;
                     res = a * b;
              else if (op == '+')
                     cout << "Enter First Number : ";
                     cin >> a;
                     cout << "Enter Second Number : ";
                     cin >> b;
                     res = a + b;
              else if (op == '%')
                     cout << "Enter First Number : ";
                     cin >> a;
                     cout << "Enter Second Number : ";
                     cin >> b;
                     res = a % b;
              else if (op == '^')
                     cout << "Enter Number : ";
                     cin >> a;
                     cout << "Enter Power : ";
                     cin >> b;
                     res = pow(a, b);
                     cout << "Please Rnter A Valid Operator.";
                     res = 0;
              cout << "\n\n\nResult : " << res;
              cout << "\n\nPress Q For Quit The Program OR Press Any Key To Run Again.";
              cin >> op;
       } while (op != 'Q' ||op != 'q');
       cout << "\n\n";


C++ Program to display number of vowels, consonants, digits and white spaces in a string

Mohammad Tayyab
Statement :
Program to display number of vowels, consonants, digits and white spaces in a string.
Code : 
// Program to display number of vowels, consonants, digits and white spaces in a string.
using namespace std;
void main()
           cout << "\tDisplay Number Of Vowels, Consonants, Digits And Spaces In A String\n\n";
              string str;
              int v=0, c=0, d=0, s=0;
cout << "Enter A Line Of String : ";
              getline(cin, str);
              for (int i = 0; i!='\0'; i++)
                     if (str[i] == 'A' || str[i] == 'a' || str[i] == 'E' || str[i] == 'e' || str[i] == 'I' || str[i] == 'i' || str[i] == 'O' || str[i] == 'o' || str[i] == 'U' || str[i] == 'u')
                     else if ((str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') || (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z'))
                     else if (str[i] == ' ')
                     else if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
                           //other cahracters
              cout << "Number Of Spaces : " << s << endl;
              cout << "Number Of Vowels : " << v << endl;
              cout << "Number Of Consonant : " << c << endl;
              cout << "Number Of Digits : " << d << endl;
       cout << "\n\n";


C++ Program to display pyramid of digits

Mohammad Tayyab
C++ Program to display pyramid of digits
Code : 
//C++ Program to display pyramid of digits. and rows entered by user

using namespace std;
int main()
       cout << "\t\t\tPyramid Of digits\n\n";
       int num,spc,i, j, k, l;
       k = 0; l = 0;
              cout<<"Enter the number of rows: ";
              cin >> num;
              for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) //loop for control user entered number and newline
                     for (spc = 1; spc <= num - i; spc++) //spc is a variable for spaces and this loop is to control spaces
                           cout << " ";
                     for (j=0; j != 2 * i - 1;j++) //this loop will print numbers by condtion
                           if (k <= num - 1) // this condtion will print numbers brfore maximum interval
                                  cout<<i + j;
                           else //print numbers after maximum number
                                  cout<<(i + j - 2 * l);
                     l = 0; k = 0; j = 0; //updating vluse of i j and k before next printing
                     cout<<"\n"; //add newline after once line print
       cout << "\n\n";
       return 0;
